Task 5: CALLapse


Sometimes it's good to have the ability to update smart contracts implementation. Yong solidity developer made a sample project that demonstrates implementation of that feature using proxy pattern. Seems he wasn't really careful, can you help him to find the problem?


Your goal is to assign true to the "contract_status" variable

contract_status == true;

Your smart contract is at 0ceqiccnoijwncoiwncoiwncb on Rinkeby network
contract ProxyLibraryInterface {
  function getVer() external view returns (address);

contract CALLapse {
  bytes4 constant sig = bytes4(sha3("test()"));

  bool public finalResult;
  address private proxy;
  address public currentVer;
  bool private contract_status;
  uint private deployement;

  constructor (address _ver) {
    currentVer = _ver;
    init("getVer()", address(this));

  function status() external view returns (bool) {
    return contract_status;

    function releaseFee() {
      ProxyLibraryInterface instance = ProxyLibraryInterface(proxy);
      currentVer = instance.getVer();

      address _currentVer = currentVer;
      bytes4 _sig = sig;

      assembly {
        let mp := mload(0x40)
        mstore(mp, _sig)

        let nmp := add(mp, 0x20)
        mstore(0x40, nmp)

        let a := delegatecall(sub(gas, 700), _currentVer, mp, 0x04, nmp, 0x20)

  function init(string _s, address _i) {
    if (deployement == 0) {
      ProxyLibrary pxl = new ProxyLibrary(currentVer);
      proxy = address(pxl);

    address _proxy = proxy;

    proxy.call(bytes4(sha3(_s)), _i);

  function getProxyAddress() public view returns (address) {
    return proxy;

  function solved() private {
    contract_status = true;

contract ProxyLibrary {
  mapping(uint => address) curVer;
  uint256 ver;
  address public owner;

  event Trigger();

  constructor (address _ver) {
    owner = msg.sender;
    ver = 0;
    curVer[ver] = _ver;

  function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
    owner = _newOwner;
    emit Trigger();

  function setVer(uint256 _ver, address _veraddr) {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
    ver = _ver;
    curVer[ver] = _veraddr;

  function getVer() external view returns (address) {
    return curVer[ver];

contract VersionOne {
  bool public finalResult;

  function test() returns (bool) {


  function() payable {}