Task 2: BrokenVisaCard
Young solidity developer just deployed smart contract but has forgotten to make a really important function to be payable. Right now he shows the demo on the investor and wants to pay to the contact in any way. Can you help him?
Your goal is to assign true to the "contract_status" variable
contract_status == true;
contract BrokenVisaCard { constructor () { totalRealEthAmount = - (10 * 17); } int256 totalRealEthAmount; mapping(address => int256) ethBalanceOfPerson; bool private contract_status; function solved() private { contract_status = true; } function Debit(address _pay, uint256 _sum) { require(ethBalanceOfPerson[msg.sender] >= int256(_sum)); _pay.transfer(_sum); } function Credit(uint256 sum) { ethBalanceOfPerson[msg.sender] -= int256(sum); msg.sender.transfer(sum); } function status() public view returns (bool) { return contract_status; } // somebody forget to make it payable function payForDebts() { ethBalanceOfPerson[msg.sender] += int256(msg.value); // totalRealEthAmount += msg.value - somebody commented that if (address(this).balance >= 0) { solved(); } } function() payable { throw; } }